Bookstore keeps pages turning


Secondhand Pages Bookstore in Maricopa is wrapping up its summer reading program.

The store’s attempt to keep children reading throughout the summer was a smashing success.

“We had 125 kids redeem prizes,” said the store’s owner Jennifer Kacprowicz. These prizes ranged from free ice cream to a free book.

In order to receive a prize,children had to read five books and bring in a list with the titles of those books. “We worked the program on the honor system,” Kacprowicz said.

It is not too late for kids to get involved in the program. “We will keep it going until the end of the month,” Kacprowicz said.

This is the second year for the program, and Kacprowicz said the participation this year was much greater than last.

In addition to a prize the reader had the option to submit a book report to be posted on However, only one reader, seven-year-old Taylor Gowdy, did so.

Here is Taylor’s report on the Daisy Meadows book, “The Curly Swirly Shell”:

Rainspell Island on a summer day

Jack Frost, goblins, Joy the summer vacation fairy, Rachel and Kristy

Jack Frost’s goblins took Joy’s (the summer vacation fairy) shell away. This caused the ice cream on Rainspell Island to melt and taste bad.

Main Events:
Rachel, Kristy and Joy worked together to get the shell back from the goblins. They tricked the goblin that was guarding the sand castle by pretending there was ice cream on the other side. While the goblin followed Rachel and Joy to the other side of the castle, Kristy got the shell back.

Rachel and Kristy helped Joy get her shell back. Once Joy put her shell back in the ocean, all of the ice cream stopped melting and tasted good again.

Photo by Michael K. Rich