Councilmen endorse Bartle


We are supporting Scott Bartle in his run for the Maricopa Unified School District Board, because we feel Scott is the right man, at the right time, and has the principles and values needed to carry the MUSD into the future. Scott is a strong supporter of education, and he’s never been shy about bringing his thoughts forward. 

Here is why we support Scott:

- He understands that the city and school district draw revenue from the same source — you the taxpayer — and has maintained the position that successful strong relations between the district and the city are crucial to the overall success of our community.

- He lives in our community and has a vested interest in its success.

- He’s an independent thinker, not the type to just go with the flow, and doesn’t mind being the odd man out when he feels his intentions are true.

- He’s fiscally conservative, and has shown so by being the owner of a successful small business in our community, which provides job opportunities to local residents. 

- He believes strongly in the ideals of working hard and maintains high expectations of accountability to the community.

- He is committed to providing quality education in our community, restoring parents’ confidence that sending their children to Maricopa’s schools is the right choice.

Most importantly, Scott Bartle understands that we’re obligated to serve future generations, as our success as a generation will not be measured by our own accomplishments, but in the success of generations to come. 

Please join us in supporting Scott Bartle for MUSD School Board.

Alan Marchione and Marvin L. Brown, Councilmember’s, City of Maricopa

[email protected]