Polls busy in Maricopa on Election Day


Plenty of Maricopans showed up to vote Tuesday, poll workers said.

At the Maricopa Community Church on Hathaway Road, Carol West – who has been a poll worker for five years – said the turnout was “excellent.”

“We had a line when we opened up and it’s been steady ever since,” West said. 

West said she enjoys volunteering for elections.

“You meet a lot of new people and see a lot of regulars,” West said.

At the Maricopa Unified School District Administration building, Xavier Perez waited with his 2-year-old son, Athan, for his wife to finish voting so he could take his turn.

Perez, who has voted twice before in Maricopa, said he missed the deadline for getting an absentee or early ballot but still thought it was important to vote. 

“We get a choice in who we can have to be our leader, so we should make the choice,” Perez said.

Perez said his grandfather was civic minded and he remembered going to vote with him.

“I remember grandpa taking me to vote and he would let me punch (the card),” Perez said. 

Both candidates for District 4 Pinal County Supervisor – Democrat Henry Wade and Republican Anthony Smith – were campaigning until the bitter end and greeting voters just beyond the 75-foot line. 

The polls closed at 7 p.m.