Everyone counts in Maricopa


As mayor of Maricopa, I have the opportunity to talk to many citizens of Maricopa, including many of our new homeowners who are citizens of Canada. One question that has repeatedly been asked of me is “if I am a Canadian citizen, what should I do with my census form?”

The answer is Canadians count, too, fill it out and send it in!

US Census officials tell us Canadian residents of Maricopa should complete and return their census form no matter how much time they spend in Maricopa. If you have a house in Iowa and Maricopa, the census must determine which state gets credit. If you have a house in Canada and in Maricopa, it does not matter how much time you spend here. You still expect, as a property owner, to have roads maintained, streets patrolled and public safety service. If Canadians do not respond, do not complete a form, they place additional burdens on full-time residents of Maricopa.

The very first line of the census form instructions says, “The US Census must count every person living in the United States on April 1, 2010.” No matter where you are from – from the North or from the South, or where you lived before or will be living after… if on April 1, 2010, you are living in Maricopa, you count and should be counted!

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