There’s an extraordinary sunflower field in Maricopa, Arizona. Spanning an impressive 70 acres, about the area of a large shopping mall.

With over 300 days of abundant sunshine (approximately 10 months), these sunflowers thrive and mesmerize visitors with their natural allure.

This sunflower field provides a splendid experience for nature enthusiasts and those seeking to take in the golden beauty of Maricopa’s sunflowers.

Exploring the Field

Plan your visit a few hours after sunrise to witness the sunflowers at their peak, although any time of the day offers an excellent opportunity to marvel at their magnificence.

Remember to respect the private property owner’s rights by not entering the field or picking/cutting the flowers. Instead, park your vehicle on the roadside, enjoy the breathtaking scenery from a safe distance, and capture unforgettable photographs.

Leave the area as pristine as you found it. Pick up any trash and avoid driving on the surrounding dirt roads.

Location and Access

The site is located west of Maricopa, off Ralston Road, south of Highway 238.

Beyond the Field

Once harvested, these captivating sunflowers will be used in the creation of Cargill‘s exceptional beauty products.

Credits Bryan and Jenece Mordt.