Henry Wade: Community support or project management?


During our recent informational forum held in SaddleBrooke and debates in Arizona City and Maricopa, my opponent, the former mayor, continuously mentions the percentage of projects he has completed during his tenure in office. While this is commendable, credit must also be given to the other elected council members and staff of the city of Maricopa.

As I have stated before I decided to run for County Supervisor, and while vice-chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the city staff worked very hard to help us look smart. There is no question they did the same for the city council, including the former mayor.

The science of project management set organizations on solid footing in planning, organizing, developing, managing and controlling resources towards project completion. However, it is typically void of energy, passion or loyalty to the stakeholders.

In other words, strict focus on project management alone lacks vision. Vision without project management may find a home operationally. However, project management without vision is simply a checklist or white board with diagrams, charts and hash marks.

Communities on the other hand are places where people come to start and raise families or to live out their latter years in comfort and security.

It takes vision to help secure solid and flourishing communities. As written in Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.”

I am convinced my opponent has a good heart and actually believes that through the science of project management, he probably could have addressed plans set before us for the future of Pinal County. However, what he may have had when first elected mayor of Maricopa i.e., respect and hopeful optimism; by concentrating on project management exclusively, he has lost it taking his eye off the real prize of community support.

The inaugural community of Pinal County District 4 needs strong, positive, leadership and vision, which I shall deliver if you choose me as your Supervisor Nov. 6.