MUSD to allow religious flyers?


MUSD reverses course and allows religious flier distribution

Dear Mr. Flores and School Board Members,

I was quite dismayed to read the above mentioned article on and in the Maricopa Tribune. Below I’ve attached a portion of the ACLU’s opinion on such a matter. I hope you will reconsider your decision, not be bullied by the ADF and stand up for what is right for our children.

The ACLU states: “Public schools themselves should not, however, be in the business of promoting particular religious beliefs or religious activities. While it is permissible for public schools to teach about religion, it is not permissible to promote particular religious beliefs. While public schools should not be leading children in prayers or religious ceremonies, they should be respectful of the religious beliefs of students. Further, public schools should protect children from being coerced by others to accept religious (or anti-religious) beliefs. Public schools should seek to create an environment conducive to learning by all students and not act as vehicles proselytizing for religious or anti-religious beliefs. The ACLU believes that the religious education of children should be directed primarily by parents, families, and religious communities – and not the public schools.”

Maricopa is no longer a small town, exempt from the rules and laws that the rest of the state and country must abide by. People now pay attention to these sorts of matters and as the educators of our children, you have an obligation to uphold the laws (separation of church and state) and offer all of our children the opportunity to practice their own religions freely without being pressured by any one religious organization while in our schools.

If Pastor Johnson is looking for high school students to attend his bible study classes, he is free to advertise in any and all newspapers, within his own building or standing on the street corner if he so chooses. Just not in our public schools. I look forward to a reversal of your previous decision to allow distribution of Pastor Johnson’s religious materials in our schools. This is not the place for such activity. Let him continue his lawsuit, as he threatened in the article. You should then feel free to direct his legal representatives to the ACLU. Period. End of conversation. They will be happy to represent you!

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