RAMS PARENT: Thank you Maricopa for showing your pride


I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who helped to make this one heck of a Homecoming Week for our Rams and even for our future Rams. Maricopa really pulled through and raised the bar!

It was fantastic to see the community coming together and help to grow school spirit in our small but growing town.

Thank you to our city leaders who came together to help our homecoming efforts. We had Mayor Price make two official proclamations to support Ram Pride. The planning crew behind Stagecoach Days helped to make sure our homecoming activities were supported with Stagecoach Days. Thank you to those businesses who took time to put some Ram Pride decorations up, bake some Ram Pride goodies and even to residents who were decorating homes and to Tortosa for supporting our Rams.

Thank you to all of our future Rams who participated in the districtwide spirit week. It was great to walk into our schools and see Ram Pride showing in decorations and our youth dressing up for spirit days. We had some awesome banners displayed around the football field made by some of our other schools as well as participating in the carnival.

The best part was seeing the community come together and fill those stands at games. The Powder Puff game had to be delayed as there was still a long line of people coming in at start time. Seeing the participants in the community pep rally and parade was absolutely fantastic to see.

Homecoming game night had quite the energetic crowd cheering on our Rams to a victory. After speaking with students and teachers I can safely say the love and spirit was seen and felt by our Rams.

Fox 10 even noticed how awesome our Rams are as they were interviewed by Cory McCloskey when he came out to shine the spotlight on our Rams. Our team was dressed up and exhibiting that class we all know them to have. Student council, band and our cheerleaders all did a wonderful job of showing the school spirit this community has ignited in them. Seeing the smiles on those students’ faces was priceless.

Two little words but with so much meaning – thank you.