Primary countdown: Wil Cardon, U.S. Senate


The primary election is Aug. 28 and early balloting is underway. Between now and Aug. 20, will publish two to three Q & As done with candidates in primary races.

Today: Wil Cardon, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. He is running against Jeff Flake, Bryan Hackbarth and Clair Van Steenwyk.

Name: Wil Cardon
Age: 41
Occupation: President and CEO of The Cardon Group
Residence: Mesa
Family: Wife; Nicole and five children; Rebecca, Bo, Parley, Ruby and Scarlett.
Education: Stanford ‘94, MBA Harvard ‘98
Hobbies: Spending time with my family, sports, participating in church activities
Favorite quote: “Every day leave this world better than you found it.” – Cardon Family Motto
Heart’s desire: To have all my children grow up to be happy and healthy.
Political experience: Precinct committeeman

Why are you running?

Our country is in a very precarious position. Our economy is weakened. Our borders are porous and our families are threatened. We cannot continue to send the same people back to Washington hoping they will come up with new solutions. We need Washington outsiders not beholden to Washington special interests. We need consistent conservatives who will keep their promises and not flip flop on issues when it suits them. We need businesspeople who have balanced budgets and created jobs.

Most importantly, I’m running because I was raised to leave this world better than I found it. Sadly, we’re at risk of becoming the first generation to fail at this endeavor.

What is your biggest election challenge?

I’m not a career politician. It’s one of my greatest assets in running for the U.S. Senate but also the largest challenge to overcome. I have not spent my career campaigning and getting my name out there so I’ve had to work extremely hard to introduce myself to Arizonans and get my message out there. It’s also been the greatest part of my campaign – spending time with Arizonans, listening to their stories and really understanding, from their point of view, what matters most to them.

Why should Maricopans vote for you?

Maricopans should vote for me because I know what it takes to get our economy back on track. I won’t support new taxes – I’ve signed a pledge promising just that. I’m dedicated to securing our border and protecting our families.

And, Maricopans should vote for me because I am not interested in becoming a career politician. I want to do what is best for Arizona and our country and then come home to the state that I love.

Who are you voting for president?

Mitt Romney

What is the greatest challenge facing the country? What would you do about it?

The greatest challenge facing our country is a federal government that is out of touch with the American people. We have leaders in Washington who care more about saving their own careers and padding their pensions than creating a fiscally sound government based on the principles found in the Constitution.

What are your plans for immigration reform?

It’s imperative we enforce the rule of law. First and foremost, we need to secure our border. Only then can we tackle the other issues created by illegal immigration.

I do not support amnesty. We cannot allow for the millions of people here illegally to compete for jobs Arizonans desperately need. We cannot allow the drain on our resources and the increased crime and drugs in this country.