‘Restaurant row’ proposed near city hall

A conceptual rendering of the proposed restaurant row along Bowlin Road in Maricopa. [Courtesy City of Maricopa]

Maricopa’s Parks and Recreation Committee got the first look at a “Restaurant Row” concept that could feature as part of a new park complex around City Hall.

City Manager Rick Horst said the culinary strip would line Bowlin Road, just south of the Maricopa Library and Cultural Center.

The concept may include some East Valley favorites like West Alley BBQ, Ghett Yo Taco, Ginger Monkey Gastropub, Over Easy and Puro Lounge.

“These are tentative — emphasis on tentative,” Horst said.

In addition to the speculative dining destination, Horst also showed off new renderings of parks surrounding city hall amounting to more than just the Civic Center Park introduced earlier this year.

New images add a tree-canopied oasis park with trails and outdoor art, a water runnel for splash-happy children and a skate park.

“What we’re hoping to do at the end of the day is, when someone wakes up and wonders what they want to do today, they say, ‘Let’s go to Maricopa because they have a unique park you can’t find anywhere else,’” Horst said.

The city manager will present the new concept for Civic Center Plaza and other parks around town during the next city council meeting Oct. 3.


  1. nice thought but i have no faith in city doing this just look at new dog park and traffic issues. seems like they state a great press release but in maricopa does not do any follow up article. just look at new dor park and city falling short