Rotary Pool closed for repairs


On the weekend of its opening for the 2012 swimming season, the Rotary Pool had to close when a pump broke down.

Rotary Club President JoAnn Ortega said the pool closed Sunday when the broken pump caused the water to turn from blue to green. She said the cloudy water was a safety issue.

The pool is adjacent to Rotary Park off the Maricopa-Casa Grande Highway.

Ortega said Wednesday parts should arrive late in the afternoon.

“Once the pump is repaired, we need to make sure its operating properly,” Ortega said.

The pool was built in 1954 and is starting to show its age, she said.

Along with repairing the pump, galvanized pipes with numerous small leaks will be replaced with PVC pipes, Ortega said.

Swimming lessons scheduled to begin this weekend have been postponed until next Tuesday, said Ed Goldstein, manager of Gold Medal Swim School.