Supervisors adopt 180-Day hiring delay


Pinal County officials announced today they are instituting a 180-day hiring delay effective immediately for all vacancie except for public safety positions and positions of vital necessity.

During a presentation at Wednesday’s Board meeting, County Manager Terry Doolittle said projections put the budget shortfall at $13 million. Doolittle said lower figures from sales taxes along with a downturn in new construction had not only hit Pinal County, but other areas as well.

“Last year we were issuing 300 to 400 building permits a year,” the county manager said. “Today we are looking at just under one hundred for this fiscal year.”

Savings from the hiring delays are expected to be $2.3 million. Other measures have been enacted to be fiscally responsible and meet the $13 million shortfall. Pinal County departments have cut their budgets by 2 percent. Other cost-cutting measures and revenue transfers will help to meet the goal of fiscal responsibility.

Under the 180-day hiring delay, departments with current openings will be credited from the time the position became vacant. A waiver process for extreme circumstances will be required for approval.

Doolittle also told the Board that in his talks with the County Supervisors Association, it looks promising that the State Legislature and the governor will not pass down any cost shifts this fiscal year, although Pinal County is bracing for major cost shifts in the 2008-2009 fiscal year.

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