Two local businesses hit with health violations


The Pinal County Health Department inspected eight Maricopa eateries in February, tagging Farmer’s Restaurant and the Fry’s Marketplace Deli with less than perfect scores.

Health inspectors conduct random inspections aimed at ensuring that all the proper steps are being taken to maintain consumer safety, Pinal County officials said. To that end, the department can issue violations that are either critical or non-critical. Critical violations must be fixed within 10 days and affect a location’s score. Non-critical violations must be fixed within 90 days.

Grades are based on the number of violations, with an “E” for excellent, being the highest possible score an establishment can receive. Other scores are: “S” for satisfactory; “U” for unacceptable; and “N” for needs improvement. The three restaurants cited by the department all received scores of “S.”

Farmer’s was marked down for not properly date marking products, and keeping at least one expired product on the shelves; Fry’s Deli was cited for a dirty meat slicer and not storing food at proper temperatures

The New HQ, Great Wall Chinese Cuisine, Brooklyn Boys Italian Restaurant & Pizza, Arena Sports Grill, Mi Casita Restaurant and Coffee Cup Café all received perfect scores.

To view the entire reports, click here.

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