Vendors wanted for city’s first Holidays of the World event


The holidays are just around the corner, and the City of Maricopa is looking for 15 vendors to participate in the 1st Annual Holidays of the World event.

According to Parks, Recreation and Libraries Director Marty McDonald, “The event is designed to be a multi-cultural event highlighting the various ways groups celebrate the holiday season. We’ll have a tree lighting ceremony, dance performances by local community groups, a lakeside luminary walk and 30+ tons of “snow” for the kids to play in. It will be a fun and festive night!!

This event will be held on Saturday, Dec. 8, at Pacana Park from 6 to 9 p.m. The event will be a collection of vendors, local church groups, fake snow, dance performances and more.

Because of space limitations, the Parks, Recreation and Libraries Department (PRL) is limiting this event to 15 vendors. Special consideration will be given to craft vendors and local businesses with product to sell during the holiday season. Not all who apply will be awarded a booth.

Vendors are needed for the following: hot chocolate, apple cider, popcorn and glow necklaces. If this is something your group can help with, contact PRL Director Marty McDonald as soon as possible.

Additionally, the PRL needs one vendor to serve as the “holiday candy bracelet” vendor. Product will be donated to the group willing to commit to this fun craft activity for kids. This vendor slot is on a first come, first serve basis.

Vendor forms, which will be accepted starting Nov. 7, are available on the city’s Web site. All forms and money are due no later than November 16; slots will be awarded that day at 5 p.m. Those not selected will receive their returned check via mail.

For further information, contact McDonald at (520) 568-9098, ext. 204.