Wade: Race did matter


Nov. 4, 2008 will be forever etched in the annals of not only American but also World history and probably not for the reasons many consider obvious.

Nov. 4 is the day the majority of Americans from coast to coast and border-to-border took a collective breath, asked themselves the same question and made the same choice.

That choice was to make the selection of the next American president an issue of race. That collective group decided that race is too important to set aside and ignore; that race does matter. They made it known loud and clear that on that day race would be issue # 1.

What that collective group decided is that the Human Race is far more important than being African-American, Latino, Asian or Anglo (black, brown, yellow or white), that the Human Race transcends economics, religion and geography and that the Human Race recognizes love, commitment and support are essential for growth and development.

So, on Nov. 4, 2008, for at least 64 million Americans Race did matter, and aren’t you glad it finally did?

Henry Wade, Maricopa Dems

Photo by Joyce Hollis
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