PRL Committee receives three new members


The City Council on Tuesday appointed three members to the Parks, Recreation and Libraries Advisory Committee with little discussion before dismissing one of four applicants who vied for the posts.

The successful candidates were Joe Griffin, Nancy McTighe and Kristen Trussel. The single applicant not named to the committee was Dianna Estes, mother of City Councilman Joe Estes, who recused himself from the discussion and vote.

Griffin moved to Maricopa from Texas in 2004. He brings with him a background in construction and youth sports.

McTighe bought land in Maricopa in 2002 and subsequently built here, gradually moving in over time. The retired social worker said she believes the community needs programs for quilting and sewing and library materials of interest to adults and senior as much as it does for youth and young children.

“We have a lot of people here from infants to seniors and they all need a place to go,” she said.

Trussel, who serves on the Habitat for Humanities Board in the Phoenix area said she moved to Maricopa from Nebraska, where it also “smells like money” early in the morning. Her comments echoed McTighe’s in that she said she believed in serving all ages in the community.

Estes, who was not selected, presented her qualifications as being a resident of nearly three years who moved here from a small community in Alaska. She has numerous relatives including children and grandchildren living in the area.

“I’d like to see some good, clean recreation in Maricopa,” she said. She also stressed the importance of building up the local library.

“I think it could be the center of the community,” she said.

Estes did not link herself to her son at any time during the process, and did not suggest that her family ties should be taken into consideration as one of her qualifications.

Council did not comment specifically on any of the nominees beyond naming them before voting them to fill two-year terms.