Take back our country on Nov. 2


I am calling out to all Republicans, Independents, and even disappointed Democrats to take back our country on Nov. 2. We need to start right here in Pinal County, and replace the Democrat leadership that has done everything they can to move the United States into a socialist country.

The Democrats passed a healthcare bill even though over 70 percent of American citizens said they didn’t want it. This administration pushed through a stimulus bill at a cost of $800 billion to hopefully boost the economy. President Obama said that without this bill, unemployment will be over 8 percent. The bill passed, and unemployment is now at 9.6 percent and climbing.

The Republican philosophy is the belief that each person is responsible for their own place in society. Democrats are more willing to subordinate individual rights to the assumed needs of the group. They assume that society collectively is responsible for each of its members. Republicans believe that government should be limited to doing for people those things they cannot do for themselves. The right to determine individual destiny should lie in the hands of the individual.

Democrats push for more and more centralized power, with secondary consideration for the rights of the individuals. Republicans believe in the competitive free-enterprise system. Individuals must be free to use their talents. Democrats say the economy is too complicated to be left to free enterprise alone, and therefore must be subjected to ever increasing controls by the federal government.

Republicans constantly strive to cut governmental spending and to eliminate costly and unnecessary government programs. The Democrats view is that the federal government knows how and where to spend money for local needs better than elected community leaders.

Predictions: Republicans have some very solid candidates running for office throughout the county and state, and I feel that John Fillmore will win along with Frank Pratt being re-elected to the State House in LD-23. I think that both Brenda Burns and Gary Pierce will win spots on the corporate commission, and I feel that Steve Smith has run a very strong race against Rebecca Rios for the State Senate office in LD-23.

Brenda Hermanson is president of the Maricopa Republican Club.