Why I’m endorsing Julia Romero-Gusse


First, I would like to thank all of the people who had faith in my ability to lead this city and cast their vote for me for city council member during the March 9 Primary Election. 

Despite not advancing to the General Election on May 18, I have not forgotten my supporters, or this city. And, while at the moment I will not be a council member, I realize that as a mother, wife and taxpayer, I do not have the luxury to give up on this city or its future as long as my family calls Maricopa our home. 
This is why I am endorsing Julia Romero-Gusse for city council member in the upcoming May 18 election. 
Mrs. Gusse has been a strong advocate of “saving” Maricopans money and, more importantly, helping struggling families any way she can. That is why we have sat down together to come up with ideas Mrs. Gusse believes can help Maricopans. 

First and foremost, she will request an opt-out of the health insurance the city pays for council members with families (approximately $13,000 a year), donating those funds back to the taxpayers. Secondly, she will donate funds from her council salary back to the taxpayers. If elected, she will allow YOU to reap those benefits. 
Gift Baskets with food and toys will be made and distributed during the holidays.

Utility money vouchers will be purchased and raffled off to help residents with rising costs.

Seniors can participate in a raffle for gift cards to help with prescriptions or basic needs.

Students and teachers in need will receive much needed extra school supplies.

Everyone matters in Maricopa!
On May 18 join me in raising our voices and voting in a candidate who is not just telling you she cares about Maricopa, but is publicly putting her money where her mouth is and promising to give the money right back to you, the taxpayers of Maricopa. Mrs. Gusse is not just a person who cares about Maricopa; her name spells and says it all.

(This article has been co-authored by Rosalin Sanhadja and Julia Romero-Gusse)

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