Maricopa daughters and dads share 3rd annual dinner dance


Saturday evening was ‘Snow White’s Summer Night,’ the third annual father-daughter dinner and dance sponsored by the city of Maricopa’s Community Services Department. Approximately 240 dads and daughters attended the event.

Maricopa’s “fairest of all” young misses, ages 4-12, arrived in their best party dresses and some tiny tiaras to share an evening with their own princes, their dads.

The multi-purpose room at Maricopa Wells Middle School was decorated with colorful images of Snow White, her prince and the seven dwarves, as well as balloons and streamers. City staffer Monica Rubio was in charge of decorations, and Alex Ortega, DJ Twist, provided music from 5-8 p.m.

Dads slow danced their daughters around the dance floor, but both the fathers and the girls seemed to enjoy the Electric Slide, the Macarena, “YMCA” and the chicken dance equally as well.

Photos were available from Amy Jamieson Photography, and the couples dined on food provided by Straight to the Plate Catering. The menu would have made the dwarves proud: Doc’s Dogs and Macaroni, Bashful’s Buttered Corn, Happy’s Hawaiian Fruit, Sneezy’s Herb Bread, Dopey’s Desserts and Snow White’s Potion to drink. At 7 pm. seven Snow White-themed prizes were raffled off to the girls.

Many of the daughters wore corsages, gifts from their dads, and each of them received a carnation at the door. It was an exciting evening. Maricopa misses got to dress up and be alone with their fathers, and there were some added perks as well. As Madison Harris explained, “I even got to wear a little make-up!”

Admission to the event was two non-perishable food items, which were donated to the F.O.R. Maricopa food bank.

Photos by Joyce Hollis

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