Diabetes association offers free support program

Each year 1.9 million people hear the words, “you have diabetes.” Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is often met with many different emotions. Fear, denial, and confusion are just a few. It’s also met with many questions. 

Have you or someone you love been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? If so, the American Diabetes Association can offer help, hope and support through the new, Living with Type 2 Diabetesprogram.

Being diagnosed with diabetes can be overwhelming and many people don’t know where to start. That’s why Living with Type 2 Diabetes, a year-long, free program offers people with diabetes an opportunity to learn more about diabetes and how to live well with diabetes for a lifetime. 

This free program is available in English or Spanish and enrollees can choose to enroll into the online or mailed program. Program enrollees receive regular informational packets on topics like food, physical activity and stress plus a monthly e-newsletter providing seasonal tips, new recipes and stories from others living with diabetes. Enrollees are also invited to meet peers through the Association’s online community, as well as through local American Diabetes Association activities.

Enroll in the Living with Type 2 Diabetesprogram today and let the American Diabetes Association help you get started on your journey with diabetes. You can enroll by going to www.diabetes.org/living or by calling1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2383).

The Living with Type 2 Diabetesprogram is another new facet of the Association’s movement to Stop Diabetes®. By reaching and serving the millions of Americans diagnosed with this life-long disease and helping people newly diagnosed start off on the right track, we can help change the future of this disease and stop diabetes.