Obituary: Arlen Richard Norby, 1954-2021

Arlen Richard Norby

Arlen Richard Norby was born at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey to Annabelle (Kvidt) and Allen Norby, but if you asked him, he was from Grants, New Mexico.

Pop-Dad-Husband-Police Officer, Arlen was the best in every role he ever had. He loved the
Cubbies, spending time with his grandchildren, proving his point, working on his many hobbies (or as he would say it, fiddle-fartin’ around), and moving cross country more than the average nomad.

Arlen, who died Dec. 27 at the age of 67, was an Army veteran and retired police officer. He was proud to be a graduate of the New Mexico State Police Academy and Northwestern University Traffic Institute School of Police Staff and Command. His career as a law enforcement officer was a defining part of his life. He made a difference in the lives of so many through his love of and respect for his position with the State of New Mexico and later, Rio Rancho DPS.

He married his best friend and high school sweetheart, Ann Marie (Lewis) in June 1973. They had three children, Tobi Smith, Carli (Robert) Pacheco, and Donald (Shannon) Norby. He was always present for his children and set a great example of who a husband and father should be.

Kyle, Hannah, Riley, Grace, Becca and Alex were always happy to spend time putzing around with Pop. He always worried the kids would think he was grumpy, but they knew he was the best grandpa ever.

If you ever met Arlen, you liked him. He was funny, smart, sarcastic, and always interesting. He loved Trivial Pursuit, Guns & Ammo magazine, old Western movies, Chicago (with and without Peter Cetera), balancing his checkbook, New Mexican cuisine, his friends and his family.

He was a simple guy who spent the last two years battling cancer. He was ready to go and even though we all will miss him more than words will ever convey, we are thankful he is no longer in pain.

Thank you for being you, Pop.

Augie Doggie & Roxie Doxie will take care of mom.