Butterfield Elementary students receive awards and learn about Stranger Danger


Maricopa Police Department’s Sgt. Pepper and GooBurr appeared at Butterfield Elementary School last week to teach students about Stranger Danger with some Halloween tips.

The two, Sgt. Stephen Judd and Sgt. Hal Koozer, kept students enthralled with a combination of clown comedy, music and props, with some assistance from their audience.

Students learned four basic tenets of self-protection. First, always keep your distance. If a stranger approaches, asking a child to help find a lost puppy or offering candy or money, stay away and say “no.”

Likewise, if a stranger in a car offers a ride, never get in the car with them. And, if a stranger tries to grab the child, the duo encouraged children to scream loudly, “You’re not my mommy!”

“When should you call 9-1-1?” asked the sergeant and GooBurr. Students were encouraged to call in an emergency, including someone offering them candy, a ride or trying to grab them.

The assembly also stressed the importance of safety for students who ride their bicycles (and should wear helmets) or walk to and from school, especially since a Maricopa student recently suffered a head injury after being struck by car while riding his bicycle.

Safe Routes to School Essay Competition winners received new bicycle helmets from Sgt. Judd during the assembly. The essays will be on display in the school’s multi-purpose room.

Those submitting winning essays were:

Kindergarten – Nevaeh Cantu
1st – Moses Travis
2nd – Kaylee Pittman
3rd – Emma Urrutia
4th -  Marissa Smith, Emily Cordero

Butterfield Elementary has been chosen as a Quest for Quality School by the Phoenix Suns, who are providing 25 free tickets for students to attend a game as part of a recognition program. Fifth grade straight A students and fifth grade citizenship award winners will be at the game, and two students will be honored during halftime. 

Students are:

Straight A’s
Guadalupe Garcia
Rileigh Meadows
Tess Mix
Katherine Vu
Christian Correa
Janie Huynh
Julian Jauregui
Vivanna Morales
Parker Henderson
Zack Eckard
Tanner Veres
Malik Patani
Mackenzie Matheny
Ryan Hahn
Teresa Flores
Mark David
Austin Crowley
Katelynn Carmona
Bryce Bowen
Destiny Wegner

Guadalupe Garcia
Janie Huynh
Richard Nguyen
Shannon Peters
Chris Navarro
Anissa Nava
Kevin Napier

In addition, Butterfield’s second and third grade students will be in concert on Thursday, Nov. 18, and the fourth and fifth grade music concert is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 9, both at 6 p.m.

Photo by Joyce Hollis