Dailey named co-chair of statewide sustainability network


Nicole Dailey, assistant to the Maricopa city manager, has been named co-chair of the Sustainable Cities Network.

Dailey helped found the network in 2008 as a steering committee member. The Sustainable Cities Network began by invitation only from ASU’s Global Institute of Sustainability, with eight Phoenix-area cities participating originally.

In the last two years membership has grown significantly; approximately 30 cities, counties and tribal communities currently belong, including the city of Maricopa. The Network, according to its Website, “is a vehicle for sharing knowledge and coordinating efforts to understand and solve problems. It is designed to foster partnerships, identify best practices, provide training and information, and create a bridge between ASU’s research and front-line challenges of sustainability.”

Current focus areas include: solar implementation, water and wastewater, green building and development, and best municipal management practices. Partners will work together to streamline and green city operations, advance solar energy, mitigate the urban heat island, design sustainable neighborhoods and secure water supplies in a changing climate.

“I am excited to be serving with such an incredible group of passionate experts,” said Dailey. “The staff from ASU’s Global Institute of Sustainability provides incredible opportunities for the municipalities and other governmental agencies that are part of the network. We are exploring some very exciting grant opportunities and additional research projects.”

Dailey’s key focus area will be on the economic sustainability of communities. “Proper financial planning and fiscally conservative management are required for the long-term sustainability of any initiative, and I believe this partnership of governmental agencies and the Global Institute of Sustainability will provide the forum for discovery and implementation of new and better ideas for municipal management practices,” Dailey said. “I look forward to putting the ideas from the Sustainable Cities Network into action here in Maricopa.”

For more information on the Network, visit sustainablecities.asu.edu.

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