DPS arrests 159 impaired drivers during Thanksgiving holiday


During a three-day period beginning Friday, Nov. 28 and ending Sunday, Nov. 30, DPS officers made 159 arrests statewide for driving under the influence. Out of that number 17 drivers were arrested for aggravated DUI, and 33 were arrested for extreme DUI. The total number of underage DUI arrests was 14. A total of 18 drivers had prior convictions for DUI when arrested, and the average BAC of all of those arrested was .145.

Only one fatal collision occurred during the holiday weekend on Arizona’s statewide highway system.

During last year’s long holiday weekend, which began Nov. 21 and ended Nov. 26, DPS worked seven fatal crashes on the state highway system.

“We hope that Operation Border to Border helped save lives on Arizona’s highways during the long holiday weekend. Photo enforcement, which was used in this operation, helps slow people down and appears to be having a very positive impact on highway safety. It’s all about getting drivers to pay attention, and that goes a long way toward reducing serious injury and fatal collisions,” said Roger Vanderpool, director of the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

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