Horse show generates funds for fire district


Children racing their horses in figure eights, placing flags in barrels and navigating other obstacles are all part of the Thunderbird Farms Fire District horse show held every fourth Saturday.

“We have been doing these shows for almost ten years now. It is something every member of the community should see once,” said fire district volunteer Dawn Sanborn.

The event features horse-riding events like halter/showmanship, walk/trot, western/English pleasure, open trail barrel racing and more.

To participate in the events all youth riders pay $3 per event and adults pay $5. Each rider must also pay a $5 charge to cover the cost of year-end awards.

Those wishing to just watch the event receive free admittance and have the opportunity to purchase concessions including hot dogs, burgers, brats, chips, soda and water.

Funds raised from the event go to benefit the Thunderbird Fire District.

If you go:

What: Benefit Horse Show
Where: 12366 N Ralston Rd.
When: Saturday, June 26 (Registration begins at 5 p.m.with the first class at 6:30 p.m.)
More information: 520-568-3064 or email [email protected].

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