How to maximize your ‘NEWTOX’ treatment


Botox is a purified protein called botulinum toxin that is FDA approved for cosmetic applications since 2002. It is injected into specific superficial facial muscles to soften wrinkles. It works by relaxing the facial muscles and prevents the face from forming lines and wrinkles.

There are several different types of Botox including Jeuveau, Dysport, and Xeomin. They all share the same active ingredient and perform similarly.

Here at Maricopa Wellness Center, we prefer Jeuveau or “NEWTOX” as it has been shown to be equal or superior to Botox in clinical trials. It was released on the market in 2018 by Evolus.

Botox will typically last 3 to 4 months, depending upon varying factors.

Stress, body metabolism, your activity level, and illness can all determine Botox efficacy.
With the relatively high cost of treatments, we would all like to see our investment perform better and last longer.

What to do after a Botox treatment?
Follow the following tips and tricks below to maximize your treatment:

  • Wear sunscreen. Sun damage is one of the leading causes of wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.
  • Keep upright for the first 4 hours, absolutely no lying down.
  • Sporadically move your facial muscles following your treatment to encourage movement of the product to the desired areas.
  • Avoid, if possible, sleeping on your face the first night.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours after treatment.
  • Avoid alcohol the day before and after treatment to minimize adverse reactions.
  • Maintain a regular treatment schedule for Botox. This will keep your muscles functioning without hyperactivity and lead to atrophying the muscles making your wrinkles milder and milder over time.

Take a Zinc lozenge supplement
Studies have shown that Zinc Lozenges can extend the life of any type of Botox treatment up to several weeks. 92% of patients who participated in a clinical trial reported that their treatment took effect faster and lasted longer when using a Zinc Lozenge. For best results, take your Zinc four days prior to treatment with a (1) lozenge in the morning and (1) at night. Continue taking Zinc after treatment, but (1) pill in the morning or night will suffice. We recommend you find a high quality, pure zinc lozenge like our medical grade Premium Zinc Lozenge with no added fillers.

Who to trust to inject?
In Arizona, various trained medical professionals can inject Botox. These include physicians, nurse practitioners, dentists, nurses, and PA’s. A couple tips to find a great injector are to look at online reviews and for advanced certifications in Botox techniques. Red flags include no medical director on site, deep discounts, many negative reviews, and Botox Parties. Botox is only allowed to be injected in medical facilities and is illegal in-home based settings.

Questions to ask your injector:

  1. Can you personally fix any complications or mistakes?
  2. What advanced training do you have?
  3. What are the risks involved?
  4. Before and after photos?
  5. What will this treatment realistically do for me?

At Maricopa Wellness Center, safety is our number one priority. Our medical director Kristina Donnay FNP-C is on site daily and is Board Certified in Medical Aesthetics. She holds certifications in advanced injection techniques and is a Master Injector. She has performed thousands of Botox injections and was recently awarded “Best Physician” of Pinal County 2021.

Maricopa Wellness Center has partnered with Evolus for $40 off your treatment of 20 units or more. This discount can be applied every 90 days.

To find out if Jeuveau is right for you please call (520) 464-6193 for a free consultation.

41600 W. Smith-Enke Road
Building 14, Suite 3

This sponsored content was first published in the November edition of InMaricopa magazine.