Protect yourself with the right immunizations


Today’s medical advancements have virtually eliminated the spread of some very dangerous diseases because researchers and medical professionals have discovered ways to protect the public through vaccinations.

While people might associate immunizations with small children, adults also can protect themselves and their loved ones by getting immunized.

Several different vaccinations are available and recommended for adults in different age, gender and health categories. Influenza is probably the most well-known illness that can typically be avoided with immunization.

Individuals 6 months and older should receive the flu vaccine annually, which is widely available in multiple convenient locations. Not only can your family physician administer the vaccine, but you can also visit most neighborhood pharmacies for a flu shot.

For older children and young adults, a vaccine to protect against meningitis is suggested. If your child is an adolescent or has reached his or her 20s, discuss the value of getting this vaccine with your pediatrician or family practitioner.