Marchione: Profiting from your tax dollars


If Maricopa’s Question #5, the $65 million bond issue, should pass this Nov. 4th, a few select parties aim to profit from your long-term taxpayer debt. This bond is being strongly supported by several entities with a single-item agenda: Make Money.

Several major supporters for a “yes” vote on this “all or nothing” bond measure are not even residents of the city of Maricopa. They’re developers and others who will continue to profit regardless of how much it costs you. You have to ask yourself; who really benefits from the passage of this bond?

Proponents of Question 5 use stock photos of children to tug at your heartstrings; making you think it’s all about and for, the kids. Others see it simply as “investing in Maricopa’s future.” Make no mistake; what voters decide on November 4th is about the kids…the kids who will grow up to be taxpayers paying off this debt. And until the kids do start paying taxes, it’s up to you, me and Maricopa’s businesses.

Proponents reassure you that voting “yes” won’t increase your taxes for two years, but who knows where we’ll be in two years? Unless the city can come up with $107 million, or perhaps works through Payday loans, the only way to pay for the bonds is to raise property taxes, via a secondary property tax. Your taxes will go up by as much as 56 percent! It’s also true that approving this measure only allows Council to issue the bonds if the budget permits it. What’s missing is the statement that the FY2008 budget showed an $8 million shortfall as of June 30, 2008, not to mention the cost to issue the bonds in four stages as proposed will cost $100,000 each time.

The city is talking budget shortfalls, spending cutbacks, possibly layoffs. Many residents are having a tough time paying bills. Even Arizona’s Speaker of the House, when referring to the state budget at a local event recently, called us “destitute.” If now’s a good time to buy land, then maybe we should re-focus on that step for now. It’s pure common sense not to approve long-term debt at a time of too many variables and too much unpredictability in the economy.

Should we gamble on the assumption that everything will be better? Who has the crystal ball? It’s a moot point because those looking to profit from your tax dollars will already have their guaranteed revenue stream. You and our local businesses will be repaying the debt for as much as it takes, for as long as it takes! The economy could improve, but there are absolutely no guarantees.

There are many people counting on your vote, but they’re also hoping that vote comes from a twinge of guilt or a tug at your heartstrings; hoping you don’t think twice about what it does to your purse strings! Do your due diligence! Make an informed decision. Consider all sides of this issue and make your own intelligent choice to vote “NO on Question 5.”
Respectfully, Alan Marchione

Alan Marchione is a former-U.S. Marine, father, and active member of his community. He currently serves on the City of Maricopa Public Safety Advisory Committee, is Vice-President of the Villages at Rancho El Dorado Homeowners Association Board of Directors, and a graduate of the city’s first Citizen’s Leadership Academy.

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