Biker 2.0: Facebook paves the way for motorcycle rider group


Vincent Manfredi didn’t want to ride his motorcycle alone so he started a Facebook group hoping to find a few Maricopa residents interested in hitting the open road with him.

That was three or four months ago and now that Facebook page – Maricopa Motorcycle Riders – has more than 40 members.

“A lot of people who have joined up are new to Maricopa,” Manfredi said. “It’s cool to meet new people.”

The group’s third ride is Monday. Plans still are developing, so check the group’s Facebook site to join in.

“I didn’t think we’d have so many so quickly,” Manfredi said about creating the Facebook page. “We were up to 30 pretty quickly.”

Manfredi said he marvels at who the group has brought together from himself, a training and development consultant with an international business-process outsourcing firm, to Alan McCollum, who tests parachutes for the Army at the Yuma Proving Grounds.

Like many of the group’s members, these two are relatively new to town. Manfredi’s been in Maricopa a little more than two years, and McCollum and his family just a year.

McCollum said his only group ride before joining Maricopa Motorcycle Riders was a Rolling Thunder in Washington, D.C. That annual ride attracts some 400,000 veterans.

“It’s neat, the camaraderie of a group ride; it’s neat to be out on the road with that big a group,” he said. “It’s head-turning.”

McCollum said he has always wanted to ride a motorcycle, but a TV show spurred his dream into reality. “Once we started watching ‘Sons of Anarchy,’ my wife got all giddy about me getting a bike and she actually got it for me.”

Manfredi said he thought the FX channel show influenced quite a few members. Although, he’s quick to point out that, “We’re not a club. There are no dues, no membership requirements, and no officers.”

McCollum added, “And, you don’t have to kill anyone to get in the club.”

The one requirement is simple — a desire to ride.

“Any bike will do,” Manfredi said. And, all ages and skill level are welcomed. Manfredi rides a V-Star 1100cc and McCollum, who was a motocross rider when he was younger, has a Victory Vegas 8-Ball.

The local group has taken two rides, one to Goldfield, the other to Eloy on the day after Christmas. The idea is to ride for an hour or two, find a place to eat lunch, sip a beer and talk, and then ride home.

While rides are short and more along the lines of getting-to-know-you rides, Manfredi said some in the group are talking about an overnight ride in the spring, maybe to the Grand Canyon or San Diego.

***ADVERTISEMENT***Manfredi said he makes everyone in the Facebook group an administrator so conservation can flow freely.

“Someone can just post they’re thinking about going somewhere and ask if anyone wants to come along,” he said.

“Some people know a lot, about fixing bikes, the area. Others want to learn. It’s a perfect way to meet up,” he said.

Rich Harris, a new rider, said joining the group was fun and informative.

“We are able to get feedback on local mechanics and issues we may be having with our bikes,’’ he said. “We are able to share information and all have a common interest to ride and meet other bikers out here in the Copa.”

McCollum said he “commends Vincent for posting such things as safety videos on group rides.”

For his part, Manfredi said he wants it to be clear: “This is not my group. It’s our group.”