Maricopa Wells students learn legislative process from State Senator Rebecca Rios


    State Senator Rebecca Rios (D) held a forum on the legislative process for eighth grade students at Maricopa Wells Middle School on Thursday. The students from Cohort E, who call themselves “The Dream Team,” participated in the legislative forum.

    State Representative Barbara McGuire was to attend but was unable to be present due to illness.

    Rios checked the students’ knowledge by asking them questions related to the legislative process.

    To explain the process of committees, Rios divided the group of attentive students into two. She explained that one half of the room would be proponents of year-round schooling, and the second half would oppose it.

    Students supporting year round schooling argued that students would get a better education, that summer vacation is too long and students might forget what they have learned, that students would get more time for holidays and breaks throughout the year, and that Arizona’s educational level would be equal to other countries and states.

    The opposition argued that students would get sick of school and not attend, that summer provides time for fun and to think things over, that students can develop anxiety and need the break to ease stress, and that Japan has year round schooling, but suicide rates are high because of the pressure.

    Rios restated the students’ arguments, then encouraged them to vote for the position they agreed with. The students overwhelmingly voted against year-round schooling, and Rios told them, “You all would have killed it in committee.”

    Students then had the opportunity to ask Rios questions, which ranged from how she became interested in politics to where she grew up, to her positions on the current propositions and what she aspires to after the state senate.

    Rios stressed that voting is important, and then encouraged students to consider running for office in the future, stating, “You are not that far from 25. Think about running for city council, school board or state office.”

    One student asked her how being a state senator makes her feel. She responded, “Humbled. I have to think about what is in the best interest of my district. We have one of the most diverse districts, so it can be hard to balance the retirement community versus the copper mine communities’ needs.”

    She added, “I am not here because of me, but because people entrusted me.”

    Before the forum ended, one student asked for the senator’s autograph, and the group presented her with a Maricopa Wells Panther t-shirt. She spent time after the presentation signing autographs with the enthusiastic students.

    When the students returned to class, Rios said, “This group, they were fabulous. I have never been in front of a more engaged group of students. It is inspiring to see students at this age ask great questions and address worldwide issues. They were very knowledgeable. It’s very refreshing to see that interest, and the group engaged.”

    Photo by Carrie Vargas