Maricopan vying for Curves most amazing member title


In February local resident Jennifer Newman weighed 180 pounds; however, in just four months she lost 50 pounds and gained a whole new lifestyle.

Newman’s story about her quest for health and fitness is included in her entry in the Curves Most Amazing Member Contest. Currently she ranks in the top five contestants worldwide in that contest. The winner will be announced Aug.1 and will receive recognition on and My Curves; she will also be featured in an upcoming issue of Diane Magazine.

Newman, who has two young daughters, explained, “I was not fat until I became pregnant, and the weight never came off.” Unhappy with herself, she tried to get healthy for two years in her home state, Illinois, but without noticeable results. “I buried myself on my couch, my own personal coffin, and stayed buried there for a year,” she said.

In July 2007 the Newman family of four moved to Chandler; one year later they purchased a home in Rancho El Dorado. Newman joined the Maricopa Curves and was devastated to learn it had closed, just two weeks after she became a member. She re-joined the Chandler Curves, started walking daily around her subdivision and signed up for Zumba classes.

Newman credits her weight loss success to her family, but also to her new home. “It took me 13 years to get to a better place, thanks to moving to Maricopa and Arizona.” Newman also shared her belief that her new home’s beauty and sunshine inspired her to get outside, give up television (and her couch) and learn to live. “I feel my story can inspire others to dig deep within themselves to find their own will power,” she said.

“I want to help others know that we are all strong and can do anything we put our minds to. I know it does not have to be about weight; it could be about alcohol, a job, relationships, money, school–so much really,” said Newman.

The 34-year-old Maricopan is asking for some local support to win the contest and spread her story. “I know it takes a village to do something great, and I am hoping I can get Arizonans to support me,” said Newman.

Votes can be cast every day until July 31 at the contest website.

“Please let this contest have a greater purpose than me,” Newman said.

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