Maricopa Police Department fires officer


Friday, following a lengthy internal affairs investigation, Maricopa Police Department spokesman Sgt. Stephen Judd announced the termination of Officer Martice Berry for “conduct unbecoming an officer.”

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The investigation into Berry’s actions began last October when claims were made that he had shown cell phone nude photos of himself to a local female gym employee. The resulting investigation of those claims proved inconclusive, closing the case at that time.

In June the case was re-opened. Investigating officer Michael Burns, MPD Internal Affairs, offered new and sufficient evidence that Berry had shown the obscene “photographs of his penis” to at least three women, that he inappropriately revealed details about a domestic violence incident to get a date with a woman involved and “inappropriately kissed a 16-year-old girl.”

In mid-June Berry was placed on administrative leave after denying the allegations against him. On Friday Judd noted, . . . “the discipline rose to the level of termination.”

Berry became the first Maricopa police officer recruit when he graduated from Mesa Police Academy in December 2007 after a 20-week course in academics, physical fitness and tactical education. He began his field training the following week on MPD’s second shift.

Additional details will follow when available.