MPD’s Sgt. Pepper and GooBurr teach about Stranger Danger


Maricopa Police Department’s Sgt. Pepper and GooBurr appeared today at Butterfield Elementary School to teach students about Stranger Danger.

The two, also known as Sgt. Stephen Judd and Sgt. Hal Koozer, kept 700 students enthralled for 45 minutes with a combination of clown comedy, music and props, as well as some assistance from students in the audience.

Students learned four basic tenets of self-protection. First, always keep your distance. If a stranger approaches, asking to a child to help find a lost puppy or offering candy or money, stay away and say “no.”

Likewise, if a stranger in a car offers a ride, never get in the car with them. “That’s how kids disappear,” said Sgt. Pepper. “Sometimes the police or their parents find them, but sometimes they don’t.”

And, if a stranger tries to grab a child, the duo encouraged children to scream loudly, “You’re not my mommy!”

“When should you call 9-1-1?” asked the sergeant and GooBurr. Students were encouraged to call in an emergency, including someone offering them candy, a ride or trying to grab them.

Butterfield Elementary students learned the guidelines well. At the end of the assembly, Sgt. Pepper and GooBurr reiterated the main points about self-protection and Stranger Danger. All 700 students responded in unison, repeating the lessons learned and then reinforced through comedy.

Photos by Joyce Hollis