MUSD board looks to snuff out tobacco use on campus


When the Maricopa Unified School District governing board meets Wednesday, members will be looking into revising a number of policies ranging from animals on campus to solicitation in schools.

The use of tobacco on school grounds will be addressed in three separate policies dealing with the substance during the 6:30 p.m. meeting at the district’s offices, 44150 W. Maricopa-Casa Grande Highway

“All the policies that are being brought before governing board are just updates to policies already in place,” Superintendent Steve Chestnut said Tuesday. “I don’t see any of these policies facing any issues with the board.”

The policies prohibit “the possession or use of tobacco products, tobacco substitutes, electronic cigarettes, other chemical inhalation devices, or vapor products” by students and staff members, as well as the general public. Tobacco products also prohibited on school grounds, parking lots, playing fields, in buses or district vehicles. Use of tobacco also is not allowed at off-campus, school-sponsored events.

Violators will be guilty of committing a petty offense in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes. Disciplinary penalties for students could result in suspension or recommendation for expulsion for multiple infractions.

The policy on reporting child abuse also will be discussed. It states that school staff members or “any person who has the responsibility for the care or treatment of a minor” shall immediately report to a peace officer or Child Protective Services when they “reasonably believe a student is or has been the victim of physical injury, abuse, or neglect.”

Persons failing to report abuse will be guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor or a class 6 felony, depending on the severity.

Another policy update involves bringing live animals on school buses or into the classroom. The only exception to this policy will be for service animals.

The policy on use of medicine and when it may be administered to students during the day also is being updated. The policy states that “No school will administer medicine to a student without prior written permission from the prescribing physician or parent.” This policy also includes over-the-counter medicine. Medication will need to be delivered to the school by the parent with authorization to administer to the student. The only exceptions to the policy will be for students who need to carry auto-injection epinephrine in case of anaphylaxis, handheld inhalers for breathing disorders and medication for diabetes.

Lastly, the crackdown on public solicitation will be discussed. This policy forbids school employees from “using their position to influence parents or students to purchase books or other merchandise not approved by the superintendent.”

Any solicitations by nonprofits, charitable groups, institutions or organizations must have prior approval of the superintendent.

***ADVERTISEMENT***The governing board meets the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Meetings are broadcast live on Orbitel Channel 18; delayed broadcasts can be viewed the following weekend on YouTube at Maricopa Unified’s Channel.

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