New Community section to showcase life in Maricopa


Your child’s 4th grade class writes letters to troops in Iraq. A local parent club plans a garage sale to raise money for charity. The city honors its employees of the month.

In most news publications, even locally oriented ones, items like that often have to fight for space with the “more important” news of the day, such as local (and distant) politics, bads guys and cops, the oddity or “news of the weird” story. offers that also. But as a community-based news provider, your local news and business web site also wants to present the more narrow, people-based landmarks that are news or milemarkers in neighborhoods, clubs or even families. We want to have a place where Eagle Scouts get their moment in the news, where the grade school bake sale is promoted, where good deeds and good tries get the attention of the community.

That is the point of the Community section in the upcoming redesign of It will be a place for the softer side of the news, what sometimes in the business is referred to as “local-local” news. As Maricopa’s primary news provider, considers that core and key local information, and we have room for it.

A major plus of a Web-based news provider is that the amount of content in both newspapers and broadcast is limited by the hours in a day and the number of trees they can afford to slay.

Not so here.

Our only limit to the amount of news and features we can present is the amount of news and features that we have. So if you let us know about the car wash for the ailing family, the personal achievements of local residents, the awards Maricopans earn, we’ll tell the rest of the town.

Community is the place where the real pulse of Maricopa will show up.

To make it easy for residents to do this, has created a simple form, which will be available on the Contact Us page, for you to send us that info. Please feel free to do so. This is your Community board.