Orbitel Channel 20 to carry meth documentary


Meth is slowly destroying neighborhoods and tearing families apart, and some say it’s time to strike back.

On April 15, Maricopa’s Channel 20 will do just that by joining nearly every network-affiliated and independent Arizona television station to educate the community and help victims of methamphetamine.

Jennifer Grentz, a spokeswoman for the city of Maricopa, said “Arizona Crystal Darkness” is a gripping, 30-minute documentary told through the powerful testimonies of young people who have gone through the dark and lonely depths of meth addiction.

“This program is targeted for youths and their parents, but the message extends with conviction to an entire community and throughout the nation,” she said.

Orbitel customers may watch the program from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. April 15 on channel 20.