Parks and police requests pervade Council’s Tuesday agenda


Maricopa’s City Council, meeting Tuesday night at the Global Water facility, will hear a presentation from the Pat Davis Design Group regarding the results of the recent citizen survey. The survey, one of the first steps in the branding process for the City, was conducted by mail and online with random telephone follow-ups.

Both the survey results and a library needs assessment will come before Council at the 6 p.m. work session.

Also on the consent agenda for discussion at the work session will be an amendment and update to the current Library Internet Use Policy.

Approval for a 33-acre park donation from El Dorado Holdings goes to Council during the regular meeting at 7 p.m. The park under consideration is located within the Eagle Shadow Development.

Parks, Recreation and Libraries Director Marty McDonald will also present a Sports
Code of Conduct for youth and adult sporting events held at city facilities. The award of an Open Space Master Plan contract and a possible RFP for land acquisition for a potential library, park, aquatic center or multigenerational center are also on the agenda.

Maricopa’s Police Department will ask for 27 portable radios, Phase II of the Spillman Records Management System and computer mounting hardware for the existing fleet.
Chief Patrick Melvin will be seeking approval for a uniform vendor, renovation and remodeling of the present police station and an IGA with the City of Mesa for cooperative training with its police force.

Council will also discuss the possible cancellation of the regularly scheduled Sept. 4 meeting due to the Labor Day holiday.

For both the work session and regular meeting agendas, see public notices.

Photo by Dave Thomas