Brown: Great food, lots of churches


My idea of great food is not the same as my children’s idea of great food. 

My kids rarely get a fast food “burger and fries.” When they do get food from a paper bag, they think it is a special treat. My kids could eat the same thing, day after day, until it ran out of their ears. My kids do not like spicy foods, are not fans of busy foods (many different kinds of food mixed together), and could live without steak.

I, on the other hand, love spicy foods. I think the world would be a sad place without a good, thick steak. I like all kinds of foods mixed up, dishes like stew and pad Thai. Your favorite foods may be more like my kids’ favorite foods, or, maybe, you like my list better. Either way, it would be a sad world if we all had to share the exact same diet.

I share this with you as a way to help you understand something about Maricopa’s religious landscape. One of the things I hear, over and over again, is, “Why are there so many churches?”  The reason, quite simply, is because we all like different things. Just as we all like to eat different things, even in the same house, we all have different likes and dislikes when it comes to worshiping God. I suspect we would be as unsatisfied with just one church in town as we would be with just one food in our refrigerator.