Salvation Army Angel Tree hoping for local angels’ help


Maricopa’s Salvation Army tree at the public library will be covered with angels this year, and each one represents a local child in need.

Maricopa’s angel program focuses on children age 12 and under, although some older children will also receive gifts. According to Salvation Army organizer Amy Cole, there will be 500-600 children needing Angel Tree gifts.

Individuals and corporations give personalized gifts for a child in need by adopting an angel and purchasing toys or clothing items for that child. On average a child receives three or four gifts, a mix of toys and clothing items.

In order to qualify, families must provide proof of income, residency and birth certificates for the children in order to be considered for the program.

“We hope that the Christmas Angel Program will provide holiday gifts for every needy child in Maricopa this year,” said organizer Amy Cole. “We don’t want even one child to be forgotten.”

“We also need basic necessities like toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap, shampoo, deodorant and diapers,” added Cole.

If you have donations or would like to volunteer to help sort gifts or be a bell ringer, contact Cole at (520) 510-9384 after 7 p.m. week days or on weekends, or the Salvation Army voice mail at (520) 280-8984.

Cole added that businesses, clubs or organizations willing to provide monetary help should make a check out to the Maricopa Salvation Army and mail it to Amy Cole, 45002 W. Fred Cole Lane, Maricopa, AZ, 85139. Cole is willing to pick up donations and will provide a receipt for them.

Salvation Army drop-off locations for the Angel Tree unwrapped toys and gifts are the Electrical District 3 office, the Maricopa Public Library (Angel Tree is at the library) and the Card Corner next to Fry’s. Anyone who takes a new toy or hygiene supplies to the Card Corner will receive a 20 percent discount on a purchase that day.

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