Snider challenges Democratic opponent to a debate on the issues


    Incumbent Supervisor David Snider is challenging his opponent in the District 3 Democratic primary to meet him in a debate that would be available in local print, broadcast and online media.

    “I’m willing to run on my record and discuss the issues with Mr. Dennis Dugan in a fair and balanced format with my primary challenger,” said Snider, a Democrat who is seeking re-election to the county Board of Supervisors.

    Supervisor Snider will face Dugan Sept. 2 in the primary race. The winner will then face Republican Tom Hollenbach Nov. 4 in the General Election.

    “I’m proud of my work on transportation, parks, health care and improving county management,” Snider said.

    “I have sharpened the county’s focus on economic development, and I brought together the community on the issue of Southern Pacific’s proposed double-tracking project. If my opponent thinks my record is lacking, I’d like the public to compare his ideas with my accomplishments.”

    The debate format would allow for brief opening and closing statements by both candidates. In addition, each candidate will be asked to provide answers to a series of issues-oriented questions posed by the local media.

    The debate should be held between July 21 and 31, which will give voters an ample opportunity to assess each candidate’s answers and proposals before early ballots are mailed. The place and location will be subject to negotiation.

    Division 1 Pinal County Superior Court Judge Bill O’Neil has agreed to serve as moderator.

    “I believe that elections should be run on the issues,” Snider said. “That is why I want my opponent to meet me in a format that will allow for a free, open and dignified discussion of the issues facing our county. The format I am proposing will be impartial and informative. It will give voters an opportunity to judge us on our experience, our background, and on the ideas we have for ensuring that our county government can sustain its focus on ensuring growth, prosperity, and efficient planning.”

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