Supervisors accept invitation to join Arizona-Mexico Commission


The Pinal County Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to accept an invitation from Governor Janet Napolitano to join the Arizona-Mexico Commission as a sponsor.

Jacqueline Kochvar, Executive Director for the Arizona-Mexico Commission, said that Governor Napolitano started the group in her first term to connect communities while changing business through advocacy, trade, networking and information. The commission has 10 committees, ranging from agribusiness to tourism, in order to develop policy and bi-national partnerships.

Governor Janet Napolitano, seen her giving her State of the State speech in Casa Grande, formed the Arizona-Mexico Commission during her first term in office. The commission’s purpose is to improve the economy and quality of life for residents on both sides of the border.

12Pinal County joins Santa Cruz County along with several southern Arizona communities as a sponsor of the international commission.

Supervisor David Snider, who is a member of the Governor’s CANAMEX Task Force, said the work of the commission has been fruitful.

“For Pinal County, it involves the entire county,” the Vice Chairman said. “It’s an opportunity for trade and commerce which can benefit both sides.”

Kochvar said the commission meets every six months when they develop actions items that could range from trade issues to bi-national identification fraud.

The mission of the Arizona-Mexico Commission is to improve the economic well being and quality of life for residents of Arizona by promoting a strong, cooperative relationship with Mexico and Latin America through advocacy, trade networking and information.