Gusse: Veterans want your involvement


As we celebrated the 235th birthday of our great nation, we are mindful of all those who are serving our country and those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. The American Legion was asked if there is anything that Maricopans can do for our active duty men and women serving in our armed forces. There are many ways that we can all help.

 Veterans: Consider joining the Veterans of Foreign War (VFW Post 12043) or the American Legion (Maricopa Post 133). Throughout the year our organizations serve both our returning veteran population and our active duty military men and women. For more information, visit the Veterans Center website at

 Mothers, daughters, wives of active duty military: You are eligible to join the Maricopa American Legion Auxiliary Post 133. If you are a female veteran of the Legion you are also eligible to join the Auxiliary. The American Legion Auxiliary women are women of action. For god and country, the ALA advocates for veterans, educates our citizens, mentors youth, and promotes patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security. For more information regarding the Auxiliary’s mission, visit The Auxiliary is looking for new members to help lead the organization. If interested, e-mail your information to [email protected]

Last, the Maricopa veterans have been actively involved in sending out packages from home (“Bailey’s Boxes”) to our men and women on the front lines. Please consider donating much needed items such as baby wipes, hand sanitizer, snacks (beef jerky, hard candy, etc…) hygiene items (razors, deodorant, toothbrush/paste) and magazines, books or CD’s/DVD’s. The Maricopa Chamber of Commerce is accepting these donations at their location or contact the American Legion’s Vice Commander Roy LaCombe at 520-568-0076.

 Maricopa Veterans are working on bringing more support services programs to our community, and we hope that Maricopans can lend a helping hand in this great cause.

 Julia R. Gusse is commander of the Maricopa American Legion Post 133 and a member of the Maricopa City Council.