Majority oppose Obamacare in weekly poll


Most of you were opposed to the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act.

The court upheld the legislation as constitutional in a split 5-4 ruling. Chief Justice John Roberts was the surprise pivotal vote, deciding that the part of the law mandating health insurance functioned as a tax and was constitutional under the commerce clause.

Of the 347 readers who voted, 55 percent, or 192, disagreed with the ruling. One-hundred and twenty-eight respondents, or 37 percent, agreed with the ruling and 27 people, or 8 percent, admitted to being a bit confused by what the ruling meant.

The legislation forbids a person to be denied health insurance coverage based on a pre-existing condition, streamlines prescription costs for drugs many seniors take and creates state-and-federal insurance exchanges, which basically means federally funding health care options to an extent to make it more affordable.

People who already have insurance will not see a spike in their premiums because of the way the revenue stream in the law is designed.