Carl Diedrich answers more live-chat questions


Councilman Carl Diedrich is running for the mayor’s seat. He answered questions from residents March 6 as part of’s series of live chats with council and mayoral candidates for the March 13 primary election.

Diedrich is running against Christian Price.

The following are answers to questions he was unable to respond to in the allotted time for the live chat.

Q. Why did you vote to remove funding for life saving devices for seniors but are in favor of spending money on a dog park instead. Also, knowing your wife is on the board of the dog park alliance and will most likely use this park for her business — should you recuse yourself from any votes on this subject?

A. Managing a municipal budget means you have to make some difficult choices. Last year we established a process by which organizations would be able to apply for grant funding through the city. The Maricopa Seniors program did not score high enough to receive grant funding.

The city hasn’t funded that program in the past so to characterize it as council voting to “remove funding” is completely inaccurate. There were many programs that applied for the non-profit funding that did not receive a grant. When the Boys and Girls Club decided to not accept our grant, the financial situation of the city had changed and we had an expense in excess of $50,000 that was not previously budgeted. The excess non-profit funding was used for that purpose.

The decision to move forward with a dog park was never done in lieu of funding the seniors program. The city is responsible for providing services and amenities to the residents of Maricopa and each project has to be independently evaluated on the merits of the project, the funding available, and how it fits with our overall strategic plan.

I hold no conflict of interest in voting on any dog park decision and therefore have no reason to recuse myself.

Q. Can you comment on why the condition of our only city park is quite frankly a disgrace? My daughter and I go to the park but the bathrooms are hideous, the fields are now dirt, playground equipment is dirty and there are rust covered poles. What will be done to restore our park into better condition?

A. My family uses Pacana Park for recreation, too, and I have been unhappy with some things I have seen.

I have identified several concerns that were brought to the city manager's attention. Recently, our director of community services resigned, so that position will be filled in the near future. Since Brenda Fischer began as city manager I have been very pleased with the response and level of attention that concerns have been met with. There is no reason to believe she won’t address these park issues the same way. I will follow up with her and forward your concerns.

Q. You have identified a problem yet several board members have privately told others that the city wants to control the chamber and they use the annual service award as a control mechanism rather than as a growth resource. Why is that?

A. The annual Public Service Award granted to the Maricopa Chamber of Commerce comes with very specific performance measures. The city has a responsibility to the taxpayers who fund this obligation to make sure the award monies are being utilized as directed. During the last fiscal year, the PSA was changed from a general operations grant to a grant for the creation and operation of the Arizona Tourism Center at the chamber.

I don't think the city has any interest in controlling the chamber. In fact, I and other council members have publicly stated that a reduction in the public service awards for both the chamber and MEDA (Maricopa Economic Development Alliance) are in order.

The Maricopa Chamber of Commerce is an organization of over 300 members and should now be self-sustaining. The relationship should evolve so that the city can use the chamber as a tool for economic development, but not fund the organization in perpetuity.

I support individual grants that support programs such as small-business training instead of general PSA grants. By doing it that way the question of control and obligation are eliminated.

Q. Please explain where revenues will come from to pay for the new city hall considering the city has been operating at a deficit for the last two years, even while raising tax rates? And, can you explain how putting the city an additional $50 million in debt with the city complex will be beneficial to the people of Maricopa?