Dorothy Webb obituary
Dorothy Webb, who died May 30, was a volunteer at the Maricopa Food Pantry.

By Alice Shoaf

Those who visited Maricopa Pantry food bank distributions in Maricopa in the past will remember Grandma. She met you at the sign-up line with a smile and made sure you were taken care of. That’s what she did – she took care of people.

Grandma’s real name is Dorothy Webb, and she took care of everybody. Her husband, her children, her grandchildren, her adopted children, her foster children, the kids who rode her school bus, her Maricopa Pantry family – and anyone else who needed a smile. She loved them all.

Dorothy suffered a massive stroke in May. At 78 years old, the damage to her body was more than she could recover from. She hung on until May 30, so as to spend a last moment with family and close friends.

Folks who love the way Grandma loved will understand that the family needs peace, time to adjust, time to heal. Grandma was a strong lady and didn’t hold with a bunch of mushy simpering. Life is life, and death is a part of it, she understood. The family would very much like to follow her lead.

So, we say goodbye to Dorothy Webb, and Maricopa will be the poorer for it. But if anyone had asked, she would have said this. “It’s not goodbye. It’s just ‘see you later’.” Grandma knew exactly where she was going, and she is waiting patiently till the rest of us join her there.

God has blessed you, Grandma, and you spent your life blessing others. You have blessed us. See you later, my friend.

Alice Shoaf is vice president at Maricopa Pantry.