Drug Dump Week nets 17 pounds of unused and unwanted medications


The City of Maricopa and the M.A.S.H. Anti-Substance Abuse Coalition partnered to provide a solution for drug disposal, Maricopa’s first annual Drug Dump Week, Sept. 22-29.

Residents were able to drop off expired or unwanted pharmaceuticals at any of the city’s four pharmacies: Bashas’, CVS, Fry’s or Walgreen’s.

Drug Dump Week was part of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month.

Acceptable items, either expired or unwanted, included prescription, over the counter, and pet medications, as well as vitamins, supplements, ointments, shampoos, lotions and thermometers, among others.

According to Sgt. Stephen Judd of the Maricopa Police Department, Drug Dump Week netted 17 pounds of prescription and non-prescription drugs.

“Fry’s did the best with almost a whole five-gallon bucket full, and Walgreen’s came in second,” said Judd. “We got everything from old aspirin to Oxycodone.”

Another Drug Dump Week is planned for next year.

In the meantime, remember not to flush prescription medications down the toilet, sink or drain. Pharmaceutical residues can enter the water supply or ground water. Although not normally hazardous to humans, various forms of wild life are affected.

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