Free KidsCare enrollment assistance at Sun Life


Beginning today, all Sun Life Family Health Center locations will offer free enrollment assistance for the newly restored KidsCare program.

KidsCare coverage has been restored for Arizona children who are over-income for the state facilitated Medicaid program, known as AHCCCS. KidsCare coverage will allow qualifying families to insure their children through the Medicaid program for a low monthly fee. KidsCare is Arizona’s version of the federal Children’s Health Insurance Program, which will be of no financial burden to the state through 2017.

Applications for the program will be facilitated through the same website as AHCCCS, However, the application for KidsCare will not be available until July 26. Once available, families can apply to gain coverage for their uninsured children and once approved benefits will begin starting Sept. 1.

Costs will range for the program. Costs can be as low as $10 per month for one child, or they can range up to $70 per month for multiple children. KidsCare will offer the same comprehensive benefits as AHCCCS, including preventative visits such as well-child checks and dental visits. The program is in place to give working poor families the chance to affordably insure their children and get them the health benefits they need to lead healthy lives.
Sun Life Family Health Center has staff in every one of their communities ready to help qualifying families navigate the application process. The staff are trained to administer the help needed to assist with the online application process and answer questions about program benefits. If interested in an appointment, or to learn more about your child’s healthcare options please call your local Sun Life office or 520-381-0394.