Gabion along John Wayne Parkway hit over the weekend

An aerial shot of a damaged gabion along John Wayne Parkway. [Brian Petersheim Jr.]

A gabion that’s part of the John Wayne Parkway beautification project was hit over the weekend. The cage, which is filled with rocks was mangled a little bit after being hit by a vehicle of some sort. Aerial shots of the damage show tire tracks near the impact site.

The damaged gabion is located on John Wayne Parkway, near the entrances of Rancho El Dorado and Cobblestone Farms.


  1. Not only was the entire town inconvenienced by their installation, every single person I’ve spoken to thinks the “beautification project” is ugly as all hell, and to top it off, they’re dangerous! Smacking your car into a cage filled with rocks will surely do a lot more damage than a typical guardrail or barrier. The city somehow screwed up this project in every conceivable way – but at least we have this caliber of top notch reporting from inMaricopa to keep us informed about it!