Henry Wade: Call for Gov. Brewer to veto SB1062


On Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014, the Arizona Senate approved SB 1062, the so-called exercise of religion: State Action Act. It has been suggested this action was necessary to avoid situations whereby a business owner may be compelled socially or even legally to provide services to individuals or entities in direct affront to one’s religious belief whether real or inferred.

What we stand here today to say is this action, if approved by the governor, would be discriminatory and further degrades the state of Arizona’s reputation.

Unfortunately, we have experienced similar actions throughout our state’s history, which has made us the butt of jokes, ridicule, legal actions and significant demonstrations. So, here we are once again embroiled in yet another discussion about equal and human rights.

No matter how this act has been packaged and sold to the representatives and senators who voted in favor of it, this act has the ability to be used to discriminate against individuals. Most assured, it will affect those not designated as protected classes under current anti-discrimination laws and practices.

It is plausible that if passed, even our local sheriff could find himself negatively impacted due to his status as an openly gay man, so we also stand in defense of his right to love who he chooses just as any other citizen he has sworn to protect and serve.

We call upon all citizens of Arizona to contact Gov. Brewer and implore her to use good judgment and consideration to use her veto power to render this legislation null and void. We ask that she listen to the citizens and business community that has spoken out loudly against this action with the belief that Arizona’s fragile recovery will suffer yet another hit as many rethink their plans to visit socially or to bring business opportunities to our state, be they domestic or foreign.

We thank you for the opportunity to join the many voices being raised in opposition to this legislation and sincerely hope Gov. Brewer will do the right thing by vetoing SB1062 at her earliest opportunity.