Holly Lyon to run for LD11 representative


Retired Col. Holly Lyon launched her 2014 candidacy for Arizona state representative in Legislative District 11 Sunday at an event in SaddleBrooke with more than 100 people in attendance.

Supporters signed petitions and maxed out the campaign on seed money donations. They also support her clean elections campaign with $5 qualifying contributions. Legislative District 11 includes the towns of Oro Valley and Marana in Pima County, and the city of Maricopa along with parts of Casa Grande in Pinal County.

Lyon is a registered Democrat and said she believes in the two-party system because that is how people collectively find the best solutions.

Previous to her decision to run, Lyon served as Jo Holt’s campaign manager for both the 2012 campaign and 2014 campaigns for the District 11 senate seat. “Holly is an excellent choice to serve as a state representative,” Holt said.

Lyon said she believes in government of the people, by the people, for the people. She said she wants to go to Phoenix to help get things back on track. She said she’s “had enough of the extremism from our current LD 11 legislators” and doesn’t believe they represent the majority of the voter’s views.

“We need to be talking, and more importantly, listening to each other,” Lyon said.

More information is available at www.Lyonfor11.com and on her campaign Facebook page.